Posts Tagged ‘flowers’


some more Israel

January 26, 2009

I’m lucky enough to have been to Israel a few times, now. This winter, I went with my grad. school program. I find that each time I go, part of the connection I feel has to do with the land– and I really enjoy exploring more in depth, and paying attention to details that I might otherwise overlook. I also love that even during the winter in Israel flowers bloom (far less dreary weather-wise than the snow and sludge here!).



The day before the program started, I made my own walking tour of Jerusalem. It’s such an interesting city– I find the juxtaposition of very old and very new to be so fascinating (the fact that all the buildings there are made of Jerusalem stone really makes it look even older). The windmill is a mark of Yemin Moshe, the first Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem outside of the old city. It’s so interesting to think of the changed landscape (socially as well as physically). 


Montefiori's Windmill

Montefiori's Windmill


dead weed

dead weed


I am way too excited

August 7, 2008




 I keep finding more and more of my favorite pictures as I get ready to transfer all my pictures to my new computer. Here’s some tube-thingy flowers that Leslie and I bought in Minnesota. I really really love flower pictures.