Posts Tagged ‘architecture’



March 18, 2009

A few years ago I traveled to Taiwan. I was working towards an undergraduate degree in Religious Studies, and found a free summer program in Taiwan aimed at learning about Buddhism. Never having traveled to Asia before, it was a bit of culture shock. Definitely worth the experience– and it made for some great stories, anyways.





Quebec City

August 14, 2008

I’ve been to Quebec City twice, each time for Carnival. Think: February. Think: extreme negative temperatures (try -60 with windchill). Think: ice hotel, drinking rum from a weird candy-cane tube, bonhomme, sledding/tubing, maple syrup, and horse drawn sleigh rides. It is basically a winter wonderland. Maybe I should go back in the summer– when you don’t risk freezing your face off! A lot of Quebec City has a very old feel to it, with churches and stone-work buildings.


get me to the church on time

August 11, 2008

This photo was taken in the Bahamas in 2007. I loved the contrast between the distress on the building (the walls are stained and mossy, and just look rather old) and the crisp blue sky. This photo happened by accident– my friends and I took the $1 bus ride, and meant to head to the beach, but ended up going in a rather large loop around the city. For some reason, we got off the bus (I think there was a grocery store nearby), and were able to see beyond the regular tourist attractions, “handmade art,” neon, and alcohol. 


shapes and light

August 8, 2008

You don’t have to be a good photographer to come out with an interesting photo of the Guggenheim. The architecture makes for some very easy and beautiful snapshots. I still love this photo, though!


The Guggenheim

The Guggenheim